Can your cat do this?
This video was very inspiring but it was also a little frustrating. Watch the video and then I will explain.
How many Bibles do you have in your house? If you're like me the answer would be more than one.
Did you see how the Kimyal people rejoiced when they received their first Bible? Did you see how they treated their Bible? It was like a valuable heirloom that would be passed from generation to generation.
I wonder how many times in the past year they read their Bible?
I bet it was more the me and you.
I wonder how my life and your life would change if we placed the same value on the Scriptures as the Kimyal people?
Teenagers from LifePoint spent the weekend at something called Freedom Weekend (both my kids were gone so it truly was freedom). They stayed at host homes and then got together for worship, teaching, and also some fun and games.
Here is a short overview of the weekend.
Who knew music and numbers when together so well. I love the creativity of this video. Enjoy and have a great Monday!
In the United States only 80 miles seperate the highest point of land and the lowest point in the lower 48 states.
Mount Whitney on the eastern border of Sequoia National Park in California is 14,496 feet high, and a pool called Badwater in Death Valley is 280 feet below sea level.
In our journey with God there are times when spiritual growth seems to just happen and it's as if we are so close to God that nothing could ever bring us down.
And then it happens. We stop going to church, we don't pray, we don't feel like opening the Bible. We wake up and find ourselves in some low place that we never thought we would be.
Sometimes, in the midst of adversity, the best thing to do is sit and listen to what God is trying to tell us. What does He want us to learn from this experience? How does He want us to respond?
We seek out Jesus when we are going though personal struggles. The faith developed there comes from desperation. Now, life is going decently, and that faith, that trust that Jesus can save me from horrible place, isn't the same that drives me to him for relationship and day-to-day existence.
Let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. Hebrews 12:1-2 , NLT
We need to have a faith in God that can grow in the times of plenty in the same way that it does in times of need, and all the places in between.
Watch this grandp dances his shoes off. Hope you have a great Monday!
Joe Sangl will be speaking at LifePoint on Sunday and you don't won't to miss it.
From 1996 to 2006, he worked in corporate America for two Fortune 250 companies. During this time, Joe held engineering and management positions, but God was leading him to help others with their personal finances. In 2003 he began teaching personal finance courses and conducting one-on-one financial counseling.
In September 2006, Joe fired himself from corporate America and embarked on a national crusade to help others with their personal finances.
Since that time, Joe has taught thousands of people how to win with money. He is the author of the books, I Was Broke. Now I’m Not. What Everyone Should Know About Money Before They Enter THE REAL WORLD., and Funded And Free. He has been featured in Money Magazine and writes a weekly business column called “Money Help”.
It is his passion and mission “to help people accomplish far more than they ever though possible with their personal finances.” This is his passion because he firmly believes that when people are financially free, they are much more likely to go do EXACTLY what they have been put on Earth to do – regardless of the income potential.
Join us Sunday morning at Showplace 12 in Edwardsville for one of our services at 9:00 or 10:30.
Joe will also be speaking at the Meyer Center YMCA on Sunday night. This is a free event and open to the community. For more informations check out
Yes, maybe they have a little too much time on their hands but I love their creativity. If you are inspired to make a similar video I would love to see the results.
I thought I would provide you with a little Friday entertainment. Check out these old men fighting with lightsabers.
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