A friend of mine posted this on facebook from his church and I love the concept it presents about service. Check it out and let me know what you think.
The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom…Sun Tzu
The idea of service for service’s sake has been lost in our culture and, in many cases, the Church. Accolades, applause and attention usually go to those who seek fame rather than those who serve with distinction. History places laurels on those whom selflessly serve but the stories of the selfish sell magazines and generate movie receipts. The selfish want to serve high. A Warrior understands that to serve HIGH you always begin by serving LOW.
Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God…Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet. John 13:3 & 5 NLT
The Spirit of a Warrior is to serve a higher authority by serving a lower authority… In Native American traditions, warriors had a creed-to develop themselves as assets to the village they served. Your “village” can be your family, church, community, company, clients, or the world – anyone you serve. The warrior concept of service transcends race, gender, age or personality.
To be a servant of God means that we serve God THROUGH serving the Church. When you are serving as a Deacon, working the children’s wing or picking up paper around the trash cans you are serving God. When you are nice to a frazzled waitress, patient with your spouse, work hard for your employer and are loyal to your Pastors; you are SERVING GOD.
Want to be one of God’s servants? Then serve….