At the place of death the King of life is stripped of His clothes. Naked, He came into the world; naked, He is taken from the world. Vulnerable, exposed, God became man. He was a crying, helpless, dependent baby. Now, vulnerable, exposed, His heart, His life, His body all bared before the world, He will be hung up to be mocked. But God is not mocked - His very nakedness is a parale, a sacrament, a picture of the Father's hurting heart exposed in love to us.
Lord, You were stripped of the robs You wore,
but You were the same - it didn't change You.
Things meant little to You; You never hid behind them.
You showed us the Father's heart,
so open and broken:
may we be open to You, and to each other.
Lord, for our sake You left the riches of heaven
and became poor.
You came within our reach.
May we be open to You, and to each other.
You did not hold on to even the little
You had left to call Your own.
May we be open to You, and to each other.
The nakedness of God was exposed before the world.
Lord, O lovely Christ,
may we be open to You, and to each other.
No robe was left now upon Your tired shoulders,
just a crown of mockery on Your head.
Your were still a King.
You loved, and won rejection and pain -
but still You loved.
May we be open to You, and to each other.
Taken from Celtic Daily Prayer