Jesus fell again. Oh God, how many times must I fall and pick up that cross again? As many as seven times? Or seventy times seven times? For ever; until this never-ending road is ended; until the impossible is completed, the unbearable borne through all eternity.
For the sake of My children, My sons, my loved ones, My bride, My people, I must go on. I will not, I must not, give up now. The way of sorrows, the way of pain, the way of self-renunciation, the way of My cross.
How long the road You came for us, Lord,
with Your smarting burden! O Lord,
Your love has no limits.
You picked up the weight of Your cross,
the weight of our sins.
We are Your burden, an overwhelming burden;
but that burden is seet to You
because of the love You also bear to us,
an overwhelming love.
You love has no limits.
Lord, I know You can forgive me:
Your love has no limits.
Taken from Celtic Daily Prayer