I hate going to a buffet. Don't get me wrong, I love the food but that's the problem because I end up loving the food too much.
Yesterday my family went to a local buffet with some friends and on Wednesday they have steak and shrimp on the buffet. As we pulled into the parking lot my daughter asked if this is a non-stop buffet. She was curious because we had recently gone to a banquet that had buffet line that you went through but it was not "non-stop". We explained the difference and that this buffet was indeed non-stop and we could go back as many times as we wanted.
The steak was okay but the shrimp was great!
God is a little like a non-stop buffet. We can and should be going to Him often and the amazing thing is that every time we go Him he has something fresh and new.
How would your relationship with God be different if you approached it more like a non-stop buffet?