Did you watch the season finale last night - wow!
That was the greatest season finale I have ever seen. It answered many questions but brought in twice as many.
1. The Walt/Michael story came to a conclusion with them sailing away
2. "Henry gale" is what seems the 'head' of the others.
3. The booklet tubes from the Pearl are not going to the Others
4. The Others do not live on the beach
5. Desmond is back (and dead)
6. The button actually stabilizes a serious electromagnetic force
7. Desmond crashed the plane because of not pressing the button to late
8. We learned more about Desmond and Calvin, who was also in Sayid's flashback
9. The Others appear to not live on the island
10. Clare and Charlie finally got back together
11. The Others made it look like they are "hillbillies"
12. Desmond got his boat from Libby
13. There are around a dozen apparent Others
I have some other cool stuff that I will post later today.