I am getting my car cleaned today and I am very excited. You could have the worst car in the world but if it is clean and the wheels and tires are shiny it makes you feel like you have a brand new car. It just seems like a clean car runs better and faster. Yes, I must admit I am a car freak without any cool or fancy cars. You can check out this link to see my dream car:
It is the new concept for the 2009 camaro and I would love to have one of these.
I guess I will have to have a rich uncle leave me a lot of money if I am ever going to get one. That's okay we can all dream, and if we are going to dream we might as well dream big.
There is just something special about combining the best of the old with the new.
Okay, enough dreaming because I have to come back to reality. I will love my current car once again when it is clean and shiny. The only problem will be that it does not have the new car smell that we all love. Until you and I get our dream cars I guess we will just have to "love the one you're with."
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