The world that we live in places a high value on information. You can get information about any topic and get it in several different ways in a matter of seconds. We sometimes feel like the more information we gather the better off we will be and as a result we develop great short-term memories. How long did it take for you to figure out that in school if you can just cram in enough information right before the test then you can make a good grade? As a result of this we equate the consumption of information with transformation. If we are not careful we communicate the same thing in our churches. If you will just memorize this Scripture, do this daily devotion, and prayer three times a day you will have life-change. Now I am not suggesting that these things are not important because I would say that they are vital. What I am saying is that just having the information about Christianity is not enough. It is the transformation part that we so often miss and we desperately need.