Everyone desperately wants to belong. You don't believe me, then why do so many people get involved in gangs and cults. Have you visited a middle school or high school lately - if they can't find a group that they can fit into and belong to then they will just create one.
Our society is so much more transient than it used to be. How many people do you know that still live in the house of the childhood. Very few people still live in the neighborhood where they grew up.
When people come to church they are longing for, hoping for, yearning for a sense of roots - a place they can belong, a place they can care and share. They are looking for a home, for the profound depths of community. Here is the scary thing, if people don't find a place to belong in the church they are going to find a place to belong somewhere else. The church has a great opportunity to reach a ridiculous number of people by simply helping them connect and find that since of belonging. Belonging is going to be most people's entry point into the church in today's culture. What can you do to help people belong?