Have you ever sen a piece of bailing twine? It wraps hay bails and (in the old days) packages. Study a piece of bailing twine, and you see that it is not one piece at all, but thousands o f pieces wrapped around each other. One piece is easily broken... and two... and three, but eventually you will reach the point where you cannot break the string on your own.
Connecting to God works in a similar way. When we begin, it will be as though one tiny strand connects us to the soul of God. A slight movement, a veering thought, and the connection breaks. The longer you practice spiritual disciplines and work on your connection with God, the more strands you connect to God until breaking the connection is not an option.
Life is full of obstacles - spiritual obstacles, emotional obstacles, and mental obstacles. It is by the grace of God that we get over, around, under, or through them.
Adapted from "God Is Here"